June 21st 2019
It’s that day of the year again, the longest day, the day the Sun is at it’s highest position and we get to enjoy our daytime activities for some wonderful extra minutes.
At Dot and Above we created our first collection as an ode to the Sun. Our big start, our glorious beacon of life.
We wanted to celebrate our first month of life as a label and bring our debut collection to the closest point to the Sun in inner London, our city.
So we grabbed our camera, called some strikingly beautiful and powerful friends and off we went to Hampstead Heath!
To our surprise (hey, it’s London) the Sun came out to celebrate with us! We walked some hills up and down, we played with some doggies, and we let the warmth of our star run through our skin.
The Sol Collection is a celebration of life, a reminder of how the Sun is essential for all life to exist in our planet. Our one planet.